Dinamik DNS

Dynamic DNS settings

The Dynamic DNS service is a way to associate a host name with the IP address the router has on the public internet.

Choose Enable to activate the Dynamic DNS service and fill in the requested fields,

  • Server
  • Choose one of the servers in the list as your Dynamic DNS server
  • Host Name
  • Create a host name to be used by the devices that want to connect to the router
  • User Name
  • Create a user name to be used for authentication between the router and the Dynamic DNS server. This prevents “anyone” from updating the association between the host name and the IP address on the selected server.
  • Password
  • Create a password to be used for authentication between the router and the Dynamic DNS server. This prevents “anyone” from updating the association between the host name and the IP address on the selected server.

Further information

The Dynamic DNS service keep the association between the name and the IP address up to date if the IP address changes. The end user can use the never changing host name to refer to the router IP address instead of the explicit IP address that might change over time. When the service is configured, the router keeps a server on public internet updated with the latest association between the host name and the IP address. There are a number of such servers that can be used for storing the association between the host name and the IP address. This service is mainly useful if the end user want to be able to access the router from the public internet, either using the VPN service or accessing the local GUI of the router.